Saturday, August 12, 2006

Victoria's Secret Model's Bro: Bottle Bomber?

Abdul Wahid, a recent Caucasian convert to Islam and formerly known as Don Stewart-Whyte, is the 19 y.o. brother of top 1990's Victoria's Secret model Heather Stewart-Whyte. (She has been a runway model for various elite fashion houses and is the former wife of Yannick Noah, erstwhile French tennis star and current rock/reggae performer.) Also, Abdul Wahid is the son of now deceased Tory activist Douglas Stewart-Whyte. Wahid (or Wah-hid), described as a "mummy's boy" by a neighbor, was arrested by coppers on suspicion of being involved in apparently a jihadist attempt to bomb approximately nine airliners heading from various U.K. cities to sundry U.S. ones.

Cf.;; and


Anonymous said...

When metros go bad.  Tonight at 6.

As an aside: James, the grammatical structure of your headline lends itself to mass confusion.  Two possessives, a colon, and a question mark are too much to handle for this poor reader.

Anonymous said...

    Perhaps, the masses will be muddled with visions of Victoria's Secret: however, once the visions of loveliness subside, then they can read the article. :-)

    The V.S. angle obviously is a bit of media exploitation for ink purposes: however, it also serves as a portmanteau for a possible bomber or associate's familial nexus with wicked Western values and his atonement by wreaking vengence on that very society that elevated them. Furthermore, his ethnic origins suggest that profiling may assist in minimalizing the risks but not in eliminating them.

Anonymous said...

So, then we just expand our profiling range a bit.  Men/women of mideastern descent and metrosexuals.  Sounds like a plan to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that you have to worry about the true metrosexuals. Wah-hid seems more like a wannabe Etonian that aspires to Berkeley. However, the momma's boy finds his meaning and manhood by being hirsute like a hippie without the philosophy of "peace, not war."